SimpleProgrammer’s: 11 Rules All Programmers Should Live By

Yesterday’s Simple Programmer post has a lot of good ideas in it.  If you’re in a rush I give you the rules themselves below. Read his post for the details.

  1. Technology is how you get to the solution, it is not THE solution
  2. Clever is the enemy of clear
  3. Only write code if you absolutely have to
  4. Comments are mostly evil
  5. Always know what your code is supposed to do before you start writing it
  6. Test your sh—code before you ship it
  7. Learn something new every day
  8. Writing code is fun
  9. You can’t know it all
  10. Best practices are context dependent
  11. Always strive to simplify

He correctly predicted getting a lot of comment grief on number 4. I personally agree with him. Developers tend to over-use/mis-use comments.

#7 is a lot like yesterday’s post One-a-Day Keeps Mediocrity at Bay.