Active Meeting Assignments

If people do not have active assignments, if they only attend meetings to hear reports and ask questions, truly professional work cannot be accomplished.  Management: The Essence of the Craft. Pp 217. Fredmund Malik, Campus Verlog (c) 2010 Malik was speaking specifically of an institution’s supervisory board. But it strikes me as equally useful in… Continue reading Active Meeting Assignments

Malik on Charisma

Historically, charismatic leaders have almost always produced catastrophes — in every field.  … Charisma … is neither necessary nor desirable for true leadership or right management.  Uncluttered Management Thinking: 46 Concepts for Masterful Management. Fredmund Malik. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt / New York. (C) 2011. pp 16-17. This is going to be a good read. 

Thinking about blogging?

<snark>You should assume that blogging will grant you none of the privileges of notoriety and preserve none of the advantages of anonymity.</snark> – Tyler Peterson

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Cheap Problems

Problems are cheap. A team-mate is valued for the solutions they identify. me, just now

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Be Likable

Here’s a gem from the February 20th edition of Mad, Sad, Glad from This is a typical HBR article in that it’s long and academic.  The important part is that people would rather work with with someone who is incompetent than someone who is unlikable.  If you think that smarts are enough, refer to our very first… Continue reading Be Likable

Innovation is Saying “No” to 1000 Things

People think focus means saying “yes” to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying “no” to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done.… Continue reading Innovation is Saying “No” to 1000 Things

Theory and Practice

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice; in practice there is. — Author Unknown Attributed to Yogi Berra in Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile – Things that Gain From Disorder (2012), p. 213. Disputed in WikiQuote.

Quotpourri: Listening, Safety, and Leadership

From an SSCA Newsletter (and the linked to Desktop Coach article). Active Listening Listen with the absence of thought. Listen without a filter. Listen without inserting your own viewpoints, paradigm, personal experiences, or belief systems. Listen without feeling the need to provide an answer. Build a Circle of Safety [The] best organizations foster trust and cooperation because… Continue reading Quotpourri: Listening, Safety, and Leadership

Two Common Release Plan Types

Two basic types of release plans that are widely used are scope-boxed release plans and time-boxed release plans. “In a scope-boxed plan the work that the team will do is defined in advance, but the release date (time) is uncertain. In a time-boxed plan the time and release date is defined in advance, but the specific work that people will… Continue reading Two Common Release Plan Types

Roberto’s 5 Decision Making Myths

A discussion I was having with a frustrated coworker reminded me of these decision making myths from Professor Roberto. We maintain a belief in a number of myths about how decisions are made in groups and organizations… “Myth #1: The chief executive decides. Reality: Strategic decision making entails simultaneous activity by people at multiple levels… Continue reading Roberto’s 5 Decision Making Myths

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