Reframe Employment Gaps

Today’s HBR tip meshes with my last post. Regarding your answers to interview questions, I said, “don’t limit yourself to on-the-job experiences.” Why? Because it’s all about establishing evidence that you can do the job. You can definitely demonstrate skills outside of full-time employment (especially if you’re a student).

3 Solid IT Resume Tips

This Top 3 Resume Mistakes focuses on IT resumes and hits the mark. Kassie Rangel’s September 2020 article for The Enterpriser’s Project is uncommonly good, and brief enough it doesn’t need a summary. Her advice will help you use better language, and focus on more compelling results.

Would You Hire Me if I Didn’t Have a Degree

Any hiring manager has to decide how she feels about college degrees. Is it a must? Nice to have? Irrelevant? It comes up in conversation. You have to decide whether it influences your hiring decisions. Applicants want to know, too. Should I stick it out in college? Should I change my degree from psychology to CS?… Continue reading Would You Hire Me if I Didn’t Have a Degree