An Irritable Programmer Calls 911

Operator: Please state the nature of your emergency. Programmer: I need immediate assistance. Operator: Are you injured? Programmer: Look lady, I don’t want to turn this into a status meeting. Status is Not Stupid I’ve noticed people saying the word “status” with scorn: “Now, instead of getting work done we’re just reporting on status.” In fact, I’ve heard… Continue reading An Irritable Programmer Calls 911

Stooping for Pennies Loses the Crown

I’m on a scrum team. In sprint retrospective many members of the team share a concern that the team isn’t moving as fast as it could. Things seem to have slowed down. We brain storm as a team.  We look closer at the coming sprint’s plan. The Product Owner considers the team’s concerns and throws some… Continue reading Stooping for Pennies Loses the Crown