Two Common Release Plan Types

Two basic types of release plans that are widely used are scope-boxed release plans and time-boxed release plans. “In a scope-boxed plan the work that the team will do is defined in advance, but the release date (time) is uncertain. In a time-boxed plan the time and release date is defined in advance, but the specific work that people will… Continue reading Two Common Release Plan Types

Why Am I Happy About Giving Up

The snow-shoe hike to Donut Falls was supposed to be the capstone to last night’s overnight camp. So, why do I feel good about giving up on the hike this morning? Just yesterday I posted about sticking to your plan. Why am I satisfied now with an outcome that doesn’t resemble the plan?

Stooping for Pennies Loses the Crown

I’m on a scrum team. In sprint retrospective many members of the team share a concern that the team isn’t moving as fast as it could. Things seem to have slowed down. We brain storm as a team.  We look closer at the coming sprint’s plan. The Product Owner considers the team’s concerns and throws some… Continue reading Stooping for Pennies Loses the Crown