Reframe Employment Gaps

Today’s HBR tip meshes with my last post. Regarding your answers to interview questions, I said, “don’t limit yourself to on-the-job experiences.” Why? Because it’s all about establishing evidence that you can do the job. You can definitely demonstrate skills outside of full-time employment (especially if you’re a student).

Prepare for Interview Questions

Guidance for students preparing for an internship interview. This recruiting season is winding up. Met a lot of great students. I always give out my contact information, but students rarely follow-up. One did and asked for help with interviewing. Apparently she’s applied scores of times, been interviewed a half dozen times, and received no offers.… Continue reading Prepare for Interview Questions

STAR Interview Tip

Focus your answer to behavioral interview questions.

If an interviewer asks you a question like, “Tell me about a time when you evaluated a new technology to solve an old problem,” be sure to use the STAR Model to help yourself give a satisfying answer. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result. It’s great for answering all sorts of questions about your… Continue reading STAR Interview Tip

Are You Being Wooed?

An interesting and short article went over the predictable labor shortage caused by the difference between the sizes of the Baby Boomer and Gen X population groups. It talked about Employment Branding.

The technical term is “Employment Branding,” and it’s how companies woo top talent. They showcase their company culture, values, benefits, perks, executive team, staff members, business mission, and anything else that will make a great candidate want to work for them instead of their competitor.

… Google, Zappos, Amazon, and Facebook aren’t the only hot employers on our planet. They’re just the ones that embraced Employment Branding when others didn’t. But soon, we’ll be seeing companies of all shapes and sizes strutting their stuff in hopes of catching our eyes. It’s going to be a great year!

Has this been true for you? I know I talk up our unique workplace — especially for top candidates. How prominently has “Employment Branding” featured in your recent job interviews?

Would You Hire Me if I Didn’t Have a Degree

Any hiring manager has to decide how she feels about college degrees. Is it a must? Nice to have? Irrelevant? It comes up in conversation. You have to decide whether it influences your hiring decisions. Applicants want to know, too. Should I stick it out in college? Should I change my degree from psychology to CS?… Continue reading Would You Hire Me if I Didn’t Have a Degree