Drucker’s Five Basic Operations of the Manager

There are five basic operations in the work of the manager. Together they result in the integration of resources into a viable growing organism.

  1. A manager …  sets objectives. … She makes the objectives effective by communicating them to the people whose performance is needed to attain them.

  2. A manager organizes. … He classifies the work. He divides it into manageable activities and further divides the activities into manageable jobs. … He or she selects people for the management of these units and for the jobs to be done.

  3. A manager motivates and communicates. He makes a team…. This is the manager’s integrating function.

  4. … Measurement. The manager establishes targets and yardsticks. … The manager analyzes, appraises, and interprets performance. …

  5. … A manager develops people, including himself or herself. This task … in this age of knowledge takes on even greater importance…. The manager’s resource [is] people.

Peter F. Drucker, Management (Revised Edition),  Chapter 2, 15:28

By Tyler Peterson

Web Developer and a hiring manager at an established technology company on Utah's Silicon Slopes in Lehi.